January 16, 2025

Custom Keto Diet Plan

60 Days of Keto Meals with Easy to follow and make recipes

Lets Talk about the Four Common Keto Diet Mistakes People make

Keto Diet Mistakes are easy to make and being on one can be a difficult thing. Most people struggle to be consistent and sometimes fall into one or more of these Keto diet mistakes, which I’ll list here and talk more in depth below; Not being in a calorie deficit, Severe calorie reduction, Thinking all calories are the same, and following unrealistic and over restrictive diets.

Lets Talk about the Four Common Keto Diet Mistakes People make

Some people offer Keto Diet tips that actually end up being Keto Diet Mistakes. Instead of losing weight and keeping it off they end up yoyoing back and forth from losing weight and gaining weight. They also say its all about limiting the kind of food you eat.

They say certain foods are make you get fat because they stop fat burning and create an hormonal environment leading to weight gain. And other foods “Restore” your body and promote fat loss. This takes us to Diet Mistake # 1

Keto Diet Mistake #2 Severe calorie restriction

A calorie deficit of 250 calories a day will get you lean. what about a 1,000 calorie deficit? will that get better results faster?


Keto meal plan for beginners

A lot of people make this mistake when trying to lose weight. I have been caught in this trap.

The fact is. A severe calorie deficits plays with the way your body is suppose to work.

This why almost everyone following a severely low calorie diet regain the weight lost as they stop the diet. More often than not they gain more weight than they originally had>

When your put your body into a sever calorie deficit, your body thinks that you starving.

What happens when you get off of your diet your metabolism will severely slow down to stop you from losing weight. Your body is protecting it’s self, your body will store the food you are eating as fat in order to be ready for the next starvation.

This is why it’s so important to eat the right amount of calories fine tuned for your body, and weight loss goals.

Weight Loss Mistake #3 - All calories are Not created equal

Four common Mistakes when trying to lose weight - Keto meal plan for beginners

So now that we know a little about the simple answer on weight lose and diets, lets talk about carbs.

Calories are the center piece of the fat loss riddle, but not the only thing that matters when it comes to losing weight, specifically, body fat. When people say they want to lose weight, the underlying reasons are again simple, they want to improve their health, look, and fell better.

When we talk about diets, people always say they want to lose weight, but what they really want is to lose body fat. Because losing weight doesn’t really, (at least with respect to a host of health problems) improve health and appearance, but losing fat does.

When losing body fat , calories will always be the most important factor. The other piece of the weight loss puzzle, are macros. Macros are divided into 3 categories and measured in maximum grams to be eaten daily; protein, carbs, and fat, and the amount of grams differs from person to person. Calculating your macros is an important factor on how your body will react to the meals you eat.

Eating way too many carbs, will mean it will be near to impossible to your body lose fat even in a calorie deficit. Carbs spike insulin, stopping fat loss in two ways.

  • When insulin is elevated, this blocks fat from being released from your fat cells.[21-23] If your bodies cells won’t release fat, you can never burn off the excess fat , which ultimately your goal.
  • When you elevate your insulin levels this causes the body to store energy found in your bloodstream to morph into body fat cells.[23-25] This results in the body not using the energy as fuel by tissues like muscle, instead makes its way around to places on your body like your stomach, waist and buttocks

Researchers have coined insulin the “fat-storage hormone,” if the food you eat is high in carbs, it’s almost impossible to body lose fat.

Insulin is one reason why optimizing your macros
is important for weight loss and dieting. I’ll show you how to set up your macros to triple fat loss, just keep reading!

The best part is this way is simple to follow and never leaves you hungry. This eating style is so satiating you’ll probably forget you were on a diet if you weren’t losing body fat so fast!

Diet Mistakes #4 unrealistic, overly restrictive diet

Keto meal plan for beginners

We all have willpower, the thing with willpower is it doesn’t last long for most people. Willpower. This is why overly restrictive diets don’t causing you to increase your cravings leading to binging – which is the exact opposite your weight loss goals[26-27]

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, dieting is already hard. Don’t complicate and make it harder than it needs to be for yourself by unnecessary restrictions. You may find yourself mentally stressed after a few weeks or days on your restrictive diet and be back to square one.

What can be done to avoid These mistakes?
A Keto Meal Plan Customized with the marcos YOU need and with food you already like!

Four common Diet Mistakes - Keto meal plan for beginners

Following a diet plan customized for you takes all the guesswork out. Making it easy to follow and guaranteed-to-work plan.

This custom Keto plan was designed by nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs resulting in keto meal plans that work, simple and easy to follow, budget friendly, and a diet that is enjoyable to be on!

I’d call this diet the perfect keto diet plan for beginners! It is made completely to your unique macros, then meals are plan for you, these preferences ensure you optimal progress and follow a diet you enjoy. Complete with easy to follow recipes and downloadable grocery lists!

It's time to start a diet based on a
method that's best for you!

Keto meal Plan for beginners

This meal plan is based on the Keto Diet. I imagine you’ve already heard of the keto diet. You probably know of a friend or family member who has lost a lot of body fat and as a result has become healthier, feels better, and looks better.

If you haven’t already, watch video, on what Keto is, at the beginning of this article.

A quick recap, a keto diet, an eating lifestyle in which you eat almost no carbs, medium amounts of protein, and high amounts of healthy dietary fat. The Keto diet allows for eating delicious high-fat meals like ribeye steak, roasted garlic, and butter.

A low carb diet gets you into “ketosis.” normally your body relies on glucose for (the stored form of carb) energy.

With a low carb diet, your body doesn’t use glucose to fuel all its functions. Some parts of your body, like your brain can’t use fat for fuel, so your body looks for an alternative energy source to function.

This is where ketones come in. Ketones are produced in your liver, when glucose is low. Places like your brain use ketones for fuel when glucose is missing.[28]

To start your own custom Keto Diet Plan Click Here.

Your plan will be made just for you! With the macros your body needs and with the food you already like. Plans come with downloadable grocery lists and full easy to make recipe instructions!

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