January 16, 2025

Custom Keto Diet Plan

60 Days of Keto Meals with Easy to follow and make recipes

Keto Pancakes Reicpe

Keto Pancakes A nice way to start your day is through this keto pancakes for breakfast. Pair with sugar-free syrup and you’re good to go!


Keto Pancakes

Keto Pancake Recipe

A nice way to start your day is through this keto pancake recipe for breakfast! Pair with sugar-free syrup and you’re good to go!

For a 60 Day Custom Keto Meal Plan Personalized For You with the food you already like and easy to make keto recipes click over to Watch This Video to Learn More!

Do you want to know how much Fat, Protein and carbs to eat on a Keto Diet that is made just for you with the food you already like? Take this short quiz and find out! –> Quiz

More recipes


4 Eggs
2 tbsp Butter
4oz Cream Cheese
Sugar-Free Syrup
1/2 tbsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 scoop of Whey Protein


1) Place eggs, cream cheese, butter and vanilla in a food processor or a blender, then blend until mixture is a liquid consistency.

2) Blend in Whey protein powder.

3) Spray a nonstick flat-bottom pan with coconut oil or non-stick spray and let the pan get warm over medium heat.

4) Pour about ⅓ cup of batter into the pan and let it cook untouched for 2 minutes or until the batter starts to bubble.

5) Flip the pancake and let it cook for 1 minute. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to finish all the batter.

6) On a serving plate, stack up all the pancakes, add a slice of butter if preferred, and drizzle with some sugar-free maple syrup!

➡ Nutritional Information:

Energy – 936 kcal
Protein – 43g
Fat – 78g
Net Carbs – 5g

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